Careers program for Vet Students and Practising Vets, as well!
The Laboratory Animals Veterinary Association offers a placement scheme for those interested in exploring a veterinary career in the animal research industry.
To learn more about the work of Named Veterinary Surgeons, and other veterinary surgeons in the laboratory field.
One-week placements are arranged as a “remote” or “in person” EMS depending on availability. LAVA EMS may count towards the RCVS’s clinical EMS requirement. This should be checked with your home institute before agreeing to a placement.
In person EMS may be arranged at a variety of 'Licensed Establishments' under the Animals (Scientific Procedures) Act 1986, throughout the UK and Ireland.
Students accepted on to the Scheme can apply for reimbursement of reasonable expenditure incurred for accommodation, food and travel. Expenses are capped to facilitate a few bursaries per year. Please note, only “in person” EMS is eligible for expense reimbursement.
Students are asked to complete a questionnaire after their period of EMS. The questionnaire is designed to monitor the success of the placement and to highlight any areas where improvements to the Scheme could be made.
Applications are accepted from veterinary students at non-UK vet schools. However, these applications will only be considered should not all places be filled.
Students will be supervised by a veterinary surgeon working under A(SP)A (usually the Named Veterinary Surgeon or deputy) and spend most of their time observing the work vets perform in this field or learning about the regulatory system itself. Therefore, this scheme is not suitable for research projects or animal handling experience placements.

How to Apply
Whether you are a vet student or an already practising vet, we are keen to support all those interested in exploring the laboratory veterinary field. Please read the below and contact us if you have any questions.
All applicants should first carefully read the information on this page.
To apply for a placement on the scheme, fill out the application form available from the link below and return it to the email address on the bottom of the form. Please give reasonable notice (ideally 4-6 months). We are unlikely to be able to include you in an upcoming course without a minimum of 2 months’ notice.
Your application will need to be countersigned by the veterinary school staff member responsible for extra mural study arrangements at your university.
Please retain all receipts. Expenses will only be reimbursed on the receipt of a completed expense form and placement questionnaire (provided by the Careers Team)
If you would like more information about the Scheme and what it entails, or if you represent a research establishment that would like to offer placements on the Scheme
If you are a student, why not consider becoming a student member of LAVA? See the 'Being a Member of LAVA' post on our homepage.