About us
Welcome to the Laboratory Animal Veterinary Association (LAVA).
LAVA is a non-territorial specialist division of the British Veterinary Association (BVA).
LAVA's members are veterinary surgeons and students from the UK and elsewhere who are interested in laboratory animal medicine and science. Many members act as Named Veterinary Surgeons under the Animals (Scientific Procedures) Act 1986 in a full or part time capacity. Vets working in academic, drug discovery, commercial and contract research environments are represented as clinicians or in other aspects of the care and use of animals in biomedical research.
LAVA promotes best practice and the dissemination of new technologies through its biannual meetings and other avenues. It represents laboratory animal vets at national and international level for discussions and decision making on laboratory animal law, welfare, ethics, transport, techniques and disease.
The purpose of the association is to -
Promote the dissemination of information concerning laboratory animals throughout the veterinary profession by meetings, lectures, discussions and publications as considered appropriate.
Promote the advancement of veterinary knowledge and skills in subjects connected with the breeding, maintenance of health, welfare and use of laboratory animals; and to encourage study groups and post-graduate courses for these purposes.
Exchange information and encourage other forms of collaboration between this and other Societies in allied scientific disciplines.
The President is the Chairperson of the General Meetings and Council Meetings. In their absence the Junior Vice-President, or the Senior Vice President shall deputise for the President.
The Treasurer discharges all accounts and pay all sums of money under the direction of the Council. They shall present the annual accounts, duly audited, to the Council and at the conclusion of their term of office to the General Meeting.
The Secretary will ensure that minutes of the General Meetings and Council are kept. They are the contact point for general correspondence and communicate on behalf of the Council.
You can read the Constitution of the Laboratory Animals Veterinary Association
Required LAVA council roles include:

You can contact LAVA Officers by email at the following addresses:
Secretary - secretary@lava.uk.net
Membership Secretary - membership@lava.uk.net
LAVA EMS – careers@lava.uk.net
Events – events@lava.uk.net
President - President@lava.uk.net
Treasurer – treasurer@lava.uk.net